Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Service Learning

During service learning on Thursday my group and I talked in how to improve the group for the best. We talked about making better sandwhiches once a week we also talked about kicking Mrs.Thompson out because some people believe that she doesn't listen to are ideas. Well the people in my group want to do sandwhich wraps and fruit salads but in orders to that we need someone to listen to us. My job was trying to get student government in it to talk about going out for lunch. The expectations I have for my group is to get are luches changed permentally.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

Service Learning

During Friday meeting in the nutrition group we talked about things we can do to improve the school lunches. The ideas we talked about were a salad bar, getting cooked food, and going out for lunch. The three aspects we need to improve are working together, having people look up ideas for people to help are school, and lastly having a positive attitude on the whole situation. The questions I still have about my group is what can I do to help are school get better lunches? another question I have is How can we persuade the principal to allow us to go out for lunch?

The website I went to was
Teens & Nutrition

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Service Learning

My name is Katonya Leach and my personal service learning will be Philabundance. Philabundance is an food rescue organization, that gives food to the homeless. On April 19 i will be going to philabundance to pack food up to give to people in need. The reason why I picked this particular one is because it would mean a lot to me to help people who dont have a lot.

See Philabundance for more info